Saturday, November 10, 2012

Go! Animate

                                                 Happy hour by xieyuhhy on GoAnimate
                                              Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.
Comics appeal to people in general, especially children. And for a long time, comic strips are thought to be only for recreational purposes. The use of comics in education is based on the concept of creating engagement and motivation for students. The use of comics as the medium for classroom instruction could be very effective in arousing students’ interest and engaging their attention.

  In the comic strip I made “Happy Hour”, the traditional text-book dialogue was changed into a vivid and real-situation conversation. By embedding boring vocabularies and grammar into a comic strip, I intend to create setting in which it is easier and funnier for students to learn vocabularies and grammar. In this comic strip, students could learn words like giraffe, zebra, brother, outfit, grab and so on.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your choice of scene and dialog. I'm sure that adult learners would appreciate it!
